THIS AGREEMENT, dated as of paying for session fee, between (Avion McNab)
of (Avion Photography), hereafter referred to as “PHOTOGRAPHER,” and
(NAME OF CLIENT IS Above), hereafter referred to as “CLIENT,” provides as follows:
1. Scope of Work
This contract is for photography services related to a boudoir photo shoot to take place at the
following date, time, and place:
PHOTOGRAPHER and CLIENT are to arrive for photoshoot on:(date and time above)
(address) 190 West 400 North Provo Utah
PHOTOGRAPHER allows 1.5 hours for hair & makeup and 1.5-2 hours for the photo shoot, and
agrees to photograph CLIENT and provide CLIENT with 100+ images for review from which to
choose final images for products (albums, wall art, and digital files) that are sold separately.
2. Fees
For PHOTOGRAPHER’S services CLIENT shall initially pay a non refundable Session Fee of
$99, which does not cover any images or image products and must be
paid in full with CLIENT’S delivery of a signed copy of this Agreement. The Session Fee reserves the appointment and services specified in Section 1 above. The average client spends $1900 plus on prints and products.
If CLIENT cancels the photo shoot for any reason within 30 days of the appointed time, or fails
to show up for the appointment, the Session Fee will not be refunded to CLIENT but used to
pay cancellation fees of the hair & makeup artist and PHOTOGRAPHER, and to
pay related studio costs. Nevertheless, CLIENT may reschedule the photo shoot prior to the 30 day deadline by securing another appointment time within 60 days of that specified above
and subject to the same terms thereof. If you need to reschedule for any reason 30 days before your scheduled time there is a $250 fee to change your date and time. If you pre pay for any products, collections money paid may be moved to a different session date but is non refundable,
3. CLIENT must inform the hair & makeup artist of any known allergies or adverse
reactions to products and will hold them and PHOTOGRAPHER harmless from any adverse
effects from hair & makeup products applied in a proper and normal manner.
4. Fees Concerning Image Products
CLIENT will have the opportunity to view images in a live viewing session with the PHOTOGRAPHER or by means of a password-protected online gallery within 2.5 weeks of the photo shoot, or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties. CLIENT understands that none of the image products (such as albums, wall art, and digital
files) are covered by the Session Fee. Rather, they are sold separately and must be paid in payments before the session or must be paid in full on the day of the viewing (including tax and any applicable shipping fees) ALL must be paid before the order is processed. If purchasing
digital files, CLIENT will receive high-resolution jpg files. Some products take up to 4-6 weeks to be created and delivered. Most the time that is for the album creation, printing and shipping.
Client further understands and agrees that all sales are final and that PHOTOGRAPHER may
choose to delete CLIENT’S images from digital storage after 10 days from the date of the photo shoot.
5. Alteration of Finished Images
In order to protect PHOTOGRAPHER’S artistic style and reputation, CLIENT shall not duplicate, alter, edit, crop or change in any way the finished look of images received from PHOTOGRAPHER.
6. Usage
CLIENT agrees not to trade, sell, or license any image from the photo shoot to a third party
without written permission from PHOTOGRAPHER, which may include a commercial usage
license agreement.
CLIENT may, however, display images on personal websites, social media, and physical portfolios, but only in finished form as received from PHOTOGRAPHER, with the only alteration being
the images’ overall size appropriate for display. PHOTOGRAPHER requests all images displayed on social media be given photo credit to Avion Photography
7. Privacy Protection For Client
PHOTOGRAPHER will not display any image from CLIENT’S photo shoot anywhere, including
any website, social media platform, or other medium, without first receiving CLIENT’S signed
release through electronic or other means chosen by PHOTOGRAPHER. No provision of this
Agreement constitutes such a release.
8. Photoshoot Conditions and Code of Conduct
CLIENT represents being at least 18 years old and recognizes that PHOTOGRAPHER does not
photograph any person under the age of 18 in a boudoir style.
CLIENT understands that arriving late to her appointed time will take away from the total
amount of time allotted to her photo shoot. Additional time may be added to the end of
CLIENT’S original appointed time slot if studio time is available, but CLIENT may be required to
pay for additional studio time before shooting begins.
CLIENT may not bring any family member, other person, or pet to the photo shoot without prior
consent from PHOTOGRAPHER, who has the right to deny access to any such individual or
pet if consent has not been given, and who may also cancel the photo shoot without refund of
the Session Fee. If such consent is given, the attending individual must not take pictures or
2make a video of any part of the photo shoot, and must refrain from any conduct PHOTOGRAPHER deems distracting.
CLIENT understands that PHOTOGRAPHER has the right to cancel the photo shoot without
refund of the Session Fee (and hair & makeup fee if applicable) if CLIENT arrives at the photo
shoot intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, as determined in the reasonable exercise of
PHOTOGRAPHER’S discretion.
10. Dispute Resolution
In the event of any claim, dispute, or other matter in question arising from or relating to this
Agreement (any such matter being referred to as a “Dispute”), the parties agree to exercise
prompt efforts to resolve the Dispute promptly without litigation. If they are unable to do so,
they agree to submit the Dispute to mediation. The party seeking mediation (the “Initiating
Party”) shall provide the other with written notice of an intention to mediate, and the parties
shall act promptly and in good faith in an effort to agree upon a mediator. If they cannot agree
within ten business days from the date such notice is received, the Initiating Party may submit
the matter to mediation through any firm that renders mediation services in the area of (Provo),
which area shall be the site of the mediation unless otherwise
agreed upon by the parties; provided, however, that the mediator chosen through that firm
cannot be one already considered but not agreed upon by the parties. If mediation reaches an
impasse, as determined by the mediator, the Initiating Party may proceed to litigation. Each
party shall bear his or her own costs and fees in the resolution of any Dispute.
11. Whole Agreement
This instrument reflects the entire agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the
subject matter hereof and is not to be amended or modified except by an instrument in writing
signed by each party.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first written